Hello and welcome back. A BIG thank you to those who showed up, texted, emailed, and reached out in support of our new office space last week. It was wonderful to see so many new and familiar faces live in person!
This week, I’ve been thinking so much about connection. More specifically, LIVE connection. Much of my weekly work takes place in Zoomland, so it had been a minute since I'd been in a room full of friends and colleagues. Here’s what still remains true: there is no substitution for in person connection. The presence and exchange of energy, the physical touch of a hug (if you’re a hugger), the nuanced verbal and non-verbal communication, connection, and feedback that is exclusive to being in person. The “remember when’s” and the “what’s new with you now”, just land differently when they happen face to face, in person.
Regardless if you think of yourself as an introvert (your energy comes from alone time or connecting in small groups) or an extravert (your energy comes from socializing in larger groups), or somewhere in between, being intentional about connection matters and can be more impactful with some preparation.
So, before your next event, conference, or gathering, here are a few things to help prepare and maximize connection:
Engage on purpose.
Engage before you go. Who are you looking forward to connecting with? A familiar face or new colleague–who can you reach out to before the event in anticipation of meaningful connection? A quick call or text can break the ice, create anticipation, and ensure you don’t miss out on the opportunity to connect.
Connect on-purpose.
Take care of yourself leading up to the event. Good sleep and proper fuel (hydrate!) can go a long way. Bring a mindset of connection with you–be interested and present. This looks like locking up your cell phone so you can be fully present, make eye contact, listen, and ask thoughtful and curious questions. Look for the opportunity to follow-up further at a later time (make a note on the back of their business card so you remember!). Move around the room. It’s easy to get wedged between your bff’s because they are fun, comfortable, and safe, I get it. In my experience, the most memorable events include meeting new people.
Learn on-purpose.
We learn more when we are learning and sharing, together. What are you hoping to learn and/or share with your people? What’s your desired outcome? How do you want to show-up? Your time and energy are valuable resources, make it count! Maybe there’s a person and/or a resource you are curious to learn more about, make the effort to connect and seek it out.
Connection builds relationship, it's one of the greatest gifts we can share. Effective connection takes intentional energy and thoughtful engagement. In case you need to hear it–make time for connection, sign-up for the thing, raise your hand, say yes (it’s often the hardest part).
We are always better together.
As always, stay open, brave, and on-purpose.