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Hello February and a warm hello to you too. I am grateful you are here!  In many ways, I’m delighted to bid January farewell and gratefully take the information and feedback she has provided moving into the new month.  I invite you to do the same!  
Last week, I had the opportunity to spend some time teaching new to real estate brokers.  I love nothing more than connecting and engaging with humans who are embarking on something new.  Change can be a bit scary and exciting at the same time, it carries a special kind of energy.  This made me reflect on three things I shared with them—obstacles that can hinder our progress. It underscores the importance of remembering when we find ourselves in the beginner's phase of a new experience.
Struggling to Navigate the New? These 3 Narratives Might Be the Culprit
The story of Imposter Syndrome might sound something like, who am I to(do the thing, be the person, provide the service, fill in the blank).  As a beginner, you may encounter self-doubt, a sense of inadequacy, and feelings of being an imposter.  You might even back down when opportunity arises because you don’t feel ready or qualified.  This makes so much sense, it’s new, it’s not suppose to be easy.  There is nothing wrong with you.  Imposter Syndrome is an expected part of the process of being a beginner.  Self doubt and comparison to others (who have been doing your thing longer than you) can deflate confidence and progress.  It doesn’t have to.  Here’s what is also true about self doubt--it's just a signal of desire, an indicator that you want to grow and learn.  Remember, often times our best practices come from where we have failed a few times or have had to figure it out as we go.  
The story of overwhelm might sound something like, I have so much to do, where do I even begin Overwhelm can quickly result in a state of freeze, you feel like you need to do all the things at once but you don't do anything because you are stuck.  Remember, if everything is important, nothing is important.  Start small.  What are three things you can commit to seeing across the finish line?  What are three things you can show up and do consistently over the long term?  Consistency compounded over time results in progress.  If you are stuck in overwhelm, make simple, quick wins your starting place.
The story of distraction might sound something like, I will do that when (insert distraction aka excuse here)... Distraction often becomes a sticking point because it can be a way of avoiding discomfort, a challenging task, or facing undesirable emotions. Distraction provides a temporary escape from the demands of the present moment, creating a cycle where the avoidance itself becomes a habit.  Raise your hand if this is a familiar story? 🙋🏼‍♀️ Me too.  I am the queen of distraction.  Let’s call it “productive procrastination” (a term one of my brilliant clients uses to describe it).  This seductive type of distraction can be a sneaky form of self-sabotage. It can look like reorganizing the junk drawer, vacuuming for the second time this week, or rewriting my to-do list (because it must be my sloppy handwriting holding me back 😂).  Your most valuable currency lies in the choice of where you will direct your energy and attention!  Create a stop doing list, what’s on there?  Try something I’m asking myself all the time–what’s my next, best, right move?  

If you are amid a challenging new season right now, I see you.  Sometimes, what might seem insurmountable could actually be the catalyst for the most transformative change heading your way. You are more than capable of the hard thing you are doing right now, my friend.  I’m over here cheering you on, big time! 👏🏻 🥳. As always, stay open, brave, and on-purpose.   

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