Entering the second quarter of 2024 during eclipse season, it's an ideal time to take a pause for reflection. Reflecting on the first 90 days of the new year can be an incredible resource for you to assess your goals, make any course corrections, celebrate your wins and progress, identify any learning opportunities, and set priorities for the upcoming quarter.
It can be helpful to begin by reconnecting to your aspirational needs for clarifying what you truly desire. There’s a significant difference between a surface level need and an aspirational one. A need represents why someone wants something and an aspiration represents a bigger why. Your aspiration is the deeper, underlying need that is more inspiring and motivating. For example, a surface level need could be “I want to be more productive,” then the deeper aspirational need could be “I want to save enough money to fulfill a lifelong dream of starting my own business,” or “I want to reach my financial goals to buy a vacation home for my family where I can make memories with my kids and grandkids.” Notice the difference? Many times we lose motivation and become disconnected to our work and life because we have lost sight of a deeper aspirational need. When you reflect on the goals you set at the beginning of the year, why is it important? What’s your aspirational desire?
Today, I’m sharing a few more of my favorite questions for you to answer about your life and/or your business before you get too far into the new quarter.
It’s early in the year, there is value in acknowledging and identifying how you are contributing to what is in process, what you are working toward. What daily and weekly commitments are you consistently prioritizing and showing up for right now?
What activities are having the most impact?
How are you acknowledging progress of what is in process right now?
What are your glimmers from Q1–the high points you will take with you that are bringing levity and light?
What hasn’t worked or is no longer serving you, something you will edit or eliminate heading into the new quarter?
How have you integrated more courage and effort into your life/business?
What area of your life or business could use more vision and decision?
Many of us begin a new year with fire and motivation or a sense of peace that comes with the invitation of a “blank page”. As time passes and life unfolds, we can get distracted and taken away from feeling agency over our experience and results. Even if your best laid plans have gone completely off the rails, you get to decide how you respond, you can take a reset whenever you want it. At this point in time, life has given you feedback. Don't miss the chance to let it guide you as you move forward. However I can support you on the path, I'm here rooting for you! As always, stay open, brave, and on-purpose.