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Hello and welcome back!  I hope this email finds you feeling centered and connected with the people and things that fill your life with warmth and light.  Speaking of light, anyone else loving these longer days?! Thank you, daylight, I’ve missed you.
What’s a prevalent unhealthy relationship many of us experience?  The one we share with our cell phone.  One of the most consistent topics that arises with my coaching clients centers around the topic of being over committed to their phone.  These gadgets aren't just addictive for teenagers; let's face it, even adults find it hard to resist the temptation.  They are designed to distract us, take us away from what is happening in the present moment.  What are some good habits for maintaining healthy cell phone hygiene?  Here are a few:
Practice Mindful Usage:  Notice mindless scrolling.  Ask yourself, is this adding energy or taking energy away? The story we often tell ourselves is that we are “resting” or zoning out while we mindlessly scroll but the truth is, our brain isn’t resting at all, it’s working overtime.  Give your brain the break it needs.  Get outside, go for a walk, people watch while you stand in line at the grocery store instead!  
Limit Usage:  Schedule scrolling and screen time–a little intention can go a long way.  It can be helpful to set a timer on your phone for how long you want to play online, it’s incredible how quickly we can burn an hour or two without even knowing it. There are many gifts we garner from technology and social media.  Connection with distant friends and loved ones, hilarious and heart warming videos, inspiring stories, the list goes on.  What apps aren’t serving you?  Delete them from your phone.  Limit your access to the apps that suck you into their vortex.  You get to decide what and when you consume!
Establish tech-free zones and boundaries:  This past September, I implemented a family challenge.  Everyone was invited (ok, not so much invited as a subtle warning about losing phone privileges 😂) to land their phone in our kitchen before bedtime wind down routine.  Our teenager was in the habit of using her phone for an alarm (she's still working on it).  Albeit introducing her to an “old school” alarm clock, she still claims her phone to be most reliable.  In an effort to role model my request, I haven’t had my phone bedside for months and it has been a game changer.  Why? Because proximity is power.  Despite my intentions to set aside my phone and read before bed, having it on my nightstand made it nearly impossible to resist the allure of incoming texts, notifications, or the temptation to scroll for just one more minute. Removing the phone from within reach has been the most powerful way to help break mindless engagement for both myself and my clients.  It sounds obvious, doesn’t it?  Easy to do, easy not to do, give it a go–it works!
Prioritize live interaction:  We’ve gotten lazy, sending a text or email instead of picking up the phone or walking into the other room to connect in person instead (yep, my teenager will text me from her room upstairs 🤦‍♀️).  You guys, these are nasty habits that can creep into our lives without even realizing it!  Strive to cultivate deeper connections face-to-face, as it not only enhances communication effectiveness but also nurtures stronger relationships.
Practice Digital Detox:  Does life out there feel bigger than life right here?  Recharge and re-engage with your life, rather than the curated instagram feeds of others. Taking extended breaks from your phone will help you rediscover the beauty of the life around you—the one that is uniquely yours.     
In the spirit of Spring cleaning, what healthy cell phone hygiene habit resonates most with you?  What’s one practice you're willing to commit to trying?  Head up and heart open as you prepare for the new season ahead and as always, stay open, brave, and on-purpose.  

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