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Hello and welcome back!  We are coming off a bizarre weather week here in the PNW.  Last Sunday, we lost power due to a wild ice storm and over the course of the following few days I found myself out of routine and feeling a bit out of sorts.  A powerful reminder of the impact the rhythm of our routine can have on how we experience life.  Many of my conversations this week have been centered around getting back into the flow of routine after an unexpected interruption. 
Today, I’m sharing 3 things you can do to help restart when you find yourself out of the rhythm of your routine. 
Tether Yourself to Two Energizing Commitments Every Day:
Start small but strong.  Our daily commitments can either drain our energy or fuel our enthusiasm. Choose wisely, be specific. Identify two daily commitments that not only align with your goals and routine but also bring a sense of progress and vitality.  These could be activities that bring joy, fulfillment, and a sense of purpose.  Whether it's dedicating time for yourself, your business, a creative pursuit, or spending quality moments with loved ones, these commitments are anchors that provide stability and vibrancy to the rhythm of your routine.
Document Quick Wins (Daily):
Identify two quick wins from your day – simple accomplishments that brought a smile and a sense of achievement.  These can be small, simple, and strong in helping build motivation and momentum.  Celebrate these wins by writing them down, acknowledging what you did do to take action forward.  This simple exercise will not only initiate rhythm but also keep you grounded in your current reality.  Whatever you come up with as a win is valid and enough for the present moment.
Reconnect with Others and Yourself:
Prioritize connection – with others and with yourself.  Connection is fuel for returning to the rhythm of your routine.  Reach out and connect with those you serve, share your wins with friends and family, and engage in conversations that strengthen the connections that add depth to your life.  Equally important is reconnecting with yourself.  Engage in activities that nourish your soul, whether it's a walk in nature, practicing mindfulness, journaling, or indulging in something that brings you joy. 
As always, stay open, brave, and on-purpose.   

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